On Bottom Seed

Before our on bottom oysters make their way to our oyster farms, they start out as larvae. The larvae is attached to a hard surface, which we use recycled oyster shells and refer to it as the mother shell. From here, our shells will be taken to our nursery, located at our farms which allows the oysters to acclimate to its new growing conditions.


On Bottom Planting

Our hatchery team will place oysters larvae onto a mother oyster shell and will be planted along the beds of our farms. After our oysters have been planted on the beds of our farms, they will continue to grow to a harvestable size. On bottom oysters can take anywhere from 2-3 years to reach a harvestable size.


On Bottom Harvesting

Harvesting bed grown oysters is done with an oyster dredge like this one when the tide comes in and the oysters can be dragged up off the bottom into the net of the dredge. The oysters are then taken to the docks and unloaded where they can then be shucked at the plant.