Long Line Seed

Before our long line oysters make their way to our farm, they start their life at the hatchery, where they will spawn. Oyster larvae is placed onto the mother shell, which is where multiple oysters will grow off of.


The Nursery

Once the oyster larvae has grown to a sufficient size, it will be planted on into the mother shell and take to the nursery. The nursery is located near the farm and will help the shellfish acclimate to the growing conditions it will be subject to.


Long Line Farming

As the lines are ready to be planted along the farm, the mother shell will be laced into the lines. Our Long Line Oysters are planted about a foot off the ground and by taking the line with shell attached. Farm crew will plant the lines from one end of the farm to the other. This process will be repeated until the farm area has an optimal amount of oysters planted.

By using this farming method, it keeps our oysters off of the ground and allows them to receive a large amount of rich nutrients.


Long Line Harvest

When the Long Line Oysters have reached a harvestable size, they will be harvested by cutting the rope and gathering the pipes in which they were planted on. After the intended amount has been harvested, our harvest barge will take the product in and it will be processed.